Yaya's Cafe

The Mix of Stuff Blog

Buying a House and Other Crazy News July 5, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Yaly @ 10:26 PM
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Harder than it sounds and a longer process than I ever thought it would be. I don’t think I orginally imagined cutting it so close with the house contract or anything else. It seemed so unlikely that we would be so close yet so far. Today has been a good day even with all its ups and downs.

We saw all the changes that needed to be made and what still needs to be done. The task seems daunting but we are ready to take it on. I am more concerned about the timeline with all the close deadlines than anything else. It is really scary but part of the process. I am still literally freaked out. :’-( but I suppose there are good things about all of this.

Once this is all done, we can move to our new home and settle down for the next 5+ years. That to me is a positive step. Enough that I could get over the stress of waiting and feel the excitement of moving forward. *I am keeping my fingers crossed* Hope things move quickly so we can go home soon. ¢_¢

On other news, the Casey Anthony trial is over and the jury has returned with a verdict.

The Verdict: Not Guilty!

This was a shock. It was horribly surprising. I have never felt so sad about a case before. Being about Casey Anthony’s age and a mom made this case hit closer to home. I was astonished at the lack of deliberation involved before the jury came back with a verdict.

They never spoke to the judge or reviewed any video testimony, which struck me as odd. It was a long 33 days. How could they not have questions or a need to review evidence?. I don’t think they should have gone without it.

Having the ability to ask questions and review evidence is key to high profile cases. Why would a jury choose to make an informed decision without scrutinizing the evidence? I don’t know and I don’t think anyone outside of that jury will. There is no correct answer or good decision, there is simply a just one.

Personally, I think the death penalty was what made the biggest difference. Without the death penalty on the table the jury may have gone a different direction. I also think the prosecution needed to adapt to the defense’s change in game plan. It was a last minute change that made an obvious difference.

ADVICE: Have a plan “B” argument. There is always more than one way to think and fight a case. Keep an open mind and that will truly make the difference. The defense saw this and ran with it. Hopefully, one day the truth about poor Caylee Anthony will be revealed. Until then, may the poor child rest in peace.

As always, thanks for reading.

Tonight’s article was tainted with sadness but the best I could hope to get out of this is the truth or at least a real answer.



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